Successful abstract LLC insures title on residential and commercial properties throughout NJ, NY and PA.
We are a full service agency providing the following:
Real Estate Services:
- Title Insurance
- Reports of Title
- Escrow and Closings
- Assist in preparation of Deeds and other Closing Documents
- Obtain mortgage payoff letters
- Prepare and record Notices of Settlement
- Recording services
- Order and Prepare Survey endorsements
- Metes+bounds descriptions
- Chancery Abstracts
- Entity Status Reports
- Certificates of Regularity
- Obtain Discharges, Releases, and Warrants to satisfy judgments
- Present Owner Mortgage and Lien searches
- Bankruptcy and Foreclosure searches
- Patriot Name searches
- Child Support searches
- Corporate Franchise Tax searches
- Tax and Assessment searches
- Flood, Tideland and Wetland searches
- Business Searches
- Co-op searches
- Upper Court searches
- UCC searches
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